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Instruction for Candidates.

1. Total No. of Questions-100.Each Question is of the three marks.

2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

3. Do not mark or write on the Question Paper.

4. Question Paper to be returned before leaving the Exam Hall.

Directions: Click options to get answer of Questions.

1. When was Indian National Congress founded?
(a) 18 December, 1885
(b)28, December, 1885
(c) 11, September, 1901
(d) 11, September, 1903
2. Pugilist is a term used for player of a game. Identify the game.
(a) Hockey
(b) Badminton
(d) Billiards
3. Theyyam is a tradition of which state?
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Karnataka
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Kerala
4. How many hurdles are there in 400m race?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 12
5. In which two years were Asian games held in India?
(a) 1951, 1982                     
(b) 1982, 2011
(c) 1951, 1983
(d) 1954, 1981
6. Who won 4 back to back titles in badminton?
(a) Pankaj Adwani
(b) Prannoy Kumar k
(c) K. Srikanth
(d) Mahesh Bhupti
7. When was modern Olympic started?
(a) 6th April, 1986
(b) Oh April, 1896
(c) 11h July, 1807
(d) 4th June, 1907
8. How many countries are there in Asia?
(a) 26
(b) 39
(c) 42
(d) 48
9. What is the name of first artificial satellite of USA?
(a) Explorer 1
(b) Discovery
(c) Titan
(d) Atlantis
10. How many states does tropic of cancer pass through?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
11. Who is the author of 'India divided'?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Shashi Tharoor
(c)Rajendra Prasad
(d) Kapil Sibbal
12. Speed of wind measured by ?
(a) Speedometer
(b) Spectrometer
(c) Hydrometer
(d) Anemometer
13: Which Indian made the national record in long jump?
(a) Ankit Sharma
(b) Devendra Jhajharia
(c) Anju Bobby George
(d) Nayana James
14. Where is NATO headquarter located?
(a) Ottawa, Canada
(b) Maxico city, Mexico
(c)Brussels, Belgium
(d) New York, USA
15. Tashkent agreement was signed by ?
(a) Sardar Patel and John Mathai .
(b)Lal Bahadur Shahstri and Ayub Khan 
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Rajendra Prasad
(d) Rajendra Prasad and Jawahar Lal Nehru
16. Who has written Panchtantra?
(a) Vaishnu Sharma
(b) Munshi Prem Chand
(c) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
(d) Maithali Saran Gupt
17. Ruder cup is associated with which sport?
(a) Men's golf
(b) Soccer
(c) Badminton
(d) Basketball
18. Salal project is on the river ?

(a) Godavri
(b) Ganga
(c) Chenab
(d) Mahanadi
19. In which city was the first British factory established in India.
(a) Kedarpurarn
(c) Agra
(d) Panji
20. In which year was the first FIFA world cup held?
(a) 1931
(c) 1940
21. Guwahati is on the bank of which river?
(a) Ganga
(b) Barak
(c) Brahmaputra
(d) Teesta
22. Who was the Governor General of India during formation of Indian National Congress?
(a) Lord Dufferin
(b) Lord Mountbattern
(c) Lord Minto
(d) Lord William Bentinck
23. Who is the author of 'Sleeping of Jupiter'?
(a)Jhumpa Lahiri
(b) Anuradha Roy
(c) Shushma Swaraj
(d) Vikram Seth
24. Find the odd one out:
(a) Plassey
(b) Sarnath
(c) Haldighati
(d) Panipat
25. In 1954 which French settlements joined to India?
(a) Pondicherry
(b) Dutch
(c) Goa
(d) Chennai
26. The sum of two numbers is 36 and their H.C.F and L.C.M. are 3 and 105 respectively. The sum of the reciprocals of two numbers is
(a) 2/35
(b) 3/25
(c) 4/35
(d) 2/25
27. A teacher wants to arrange his students in an equal number of rows and columns. If th ere are 1369 students, the number of students in the last row are
(a) 37
(b) 33
(c) 63
(d) 47
28. A farmer divides his herd of n cows among his four sons, so that the first son gets one—half the herd, the second one-1 fourth, the third son — and the fourth son 7 cows. Then the 5 value of n is
(a) 240
(b) 100
(c) 180
(d) 140
29. If 2x - 1/2x=6 , then the value of x^2 +1/16x2 is
(a) 19/2
(b) 17/2
(c) 18/3
(d) 15/2
30. On a journey across Kolkata, a taxi averages 50 km per hour for 50% of the distance. 40 km per hour for 40% of it and 20 kilometer per hour for the remaining. The average speed in km/ hour, for the whole journey is :
(a) 42
(b) 40
(c) 35
(d) 45
31.The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is rs 8,000. The average salary of 7 technicians is rs 12,000 and the average salary of the rest is rs 6,000. The total number of workers in the workshop is
(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23
32. The monthly salaries ofA and B together amount to rs 40,000. A spends 85% of his salary and B, 95% of his salary. If now their savings are the same then the salary (Rs) ofA is ?
(a) 10,000
(b) 12,000
(c) 16,000
(d) 18000
33. The price of table depreciates every ye; value of the table after 2 years will be the present price (in Z) of the table?
(a) 48000
(b) 44000
(c) 50000
(d) 51000
34. Krishna purchased a number of articles at Rs 10 for each and the same number for Rs14 each. He mixed them together and sold them for Rs13 each. Then his gain or Loss % is ?
(a) loss 25/3
(b) gain 26/3
(c) Loss 26/3
(d) Gain 25/3.
35. The price of an article is first decreased by 20% and then increased by 30%. if the resulting price is Rs 416, the original price of the article is .
(a) 350
(b) 405
(c) 400
(d) 450
36. A sum of Rs 12,000, deposited at compound interest becomes double after 5 years. How much will it be after 20 years
(a) Rs 144,000
(b) Rs,1,20,000
(c) 1,50,000
(d) Rs 1,92,000
37.A sum becomes Rs 2,916 in 2 years at 8% per annum compound interest. The simple interest at 9% per annum for 3 year onthe same amount will be
(a) 625  
(b) 600
(c) 675
(d) 65038. 
38. Rs 700 is divided among A, B, C in such a way that the ratio of the amount of A and B is 2 : 3 and that of B:C is 4:5 . Find the amounts in Rs each received, in the ofA,B,C
(a) 150,250,300
(b) 160,240,300
(c)  150,250,290
(d) 150,240,310
39. A and B can complete a piece of work in 8 days, B and C can do it in 12 19 days, C and A can do it in 8 days. A, B and C together can complete it in •
(a) 4 days
(b) 5 days
(c) 6 days
(d) 7days
40. Pipe A alone can fill a tank in 8 hours. Pipe B alone can fill it in 6 hours. If both the pipes are opened and after 2 hours pipe A is closed, then the other pipe will fill the tank in 1
(a) 6 hours
(b) 7/2 hours
(c) 4 hours
(d) 5/2 hours
41. P is four times as efficient as Q.P can complete a work in 45 days less than Q. If both of them work together, then in how many days the work will he completed?
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 30
42. Two trains 108 m and 1 1 2 m in length are running towards each other on the parallel lines at a speed of 45 km/hr and 54 km/hr respectively. To cross each other after they meet, it will take
(a) 10 sec
(b) 12 sec
(c) 9 sec
(d) 8 sec
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 76-79) : Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it. Dr. Carver was an American Negro slave, who by dint of his ability became a scientist and educator of world-wide fame. A national monument has now been erected to honour him. This monument has been built at his birth place in the United States of America. Carver's life and achievements prove the American saying: "You can't keep a great man down." From childhood he showed qualities which gave promise of his genius. He would get up before sunrise to study the wonders of nature before the break of dawn in the east. His guardians wanted to educate him, but were too poor to do so. So he left home. He was hardly ten when he began to work at small jobs to earn a little money for his school expenses. He continued to do so even when he was at college. Thus, he passed his M.Sc. examination and became a professor. There he wrote several books on science subjects. His chief desire was to do the greatest good to the greatest number of people. He left all his life's savings to found scho1arships for research in .Agricultural Chemistry. He know this research, was bound to benefit farmers all over the world. though world famous, he never felt proud of his discoveries. "1 discovered nothing," he Once said, "I am God's agent ---the instrument through which he works."
76. What can you say about the early life of Dr. Carver?
(a) he was born with silver spoon in his mouth
(b) He was brought up in an  orphanage. 
(c) he had to struggle a lot as his parents were poor.
(d) he was bought up and educated by wealthy parents.
77. Which olthc following statements show that he was a great lover of mankind?
(a) He offered charitable services to the poor.
(b) He desired to do the greatest good to the 
greatest number of people.
(c) He opened several colleges and institutes.
(d) He donated all his life savings.
78. Find out the statement that he was humble?
(a) He never felt proud of his discoveries.
(b) He always respected the women. 
(c) He was very polite in his attitudes. 
(d) He admired his own achievements.
79. What was of Dr. Carver by profession?
(a) Doctor
(b) Politician
(c) Scientist
(d) professor
(Qs. 80-84) Select the word which means the opposite of the given word.
(a) Sacred
(b) Artless
(c) Rigid
(a) Doubtful
(b) voluntary
(c) Sincerely
(d) faithfully
(a) Suitable
(b) Apt
(c) Thalamus
(a) reciprocal
(b) agreed
(c) Common
(d) conjugal
(a) Prominent
(b) seen
(c) Observed 
(d) quite clear
DIRECTIONS (Q. 85-89) In the _following passage there are some numbered blanks. Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate word for each blank from the given options. In tropical countries, certain crops are grown ........(85) ......the year. These countries have .........(86)......rainfall for the crops. They also have plenty of sunshine what ..........(87)........the crops. More food than is.........88 ........can be grown in these places. But there are other countries in the world where it is.........(89)...... to grow crops.

(a) Along (b)  over (c) Through out (d) Across
(a) Sufficient (b) little  (c) Plenty (d) inadequate
 (a) Opens (b) gather (c) Destroys (d) ripens
(a) Cooked (b) required (c) Planted  (d) used
(a) Difficult (b) Rough (c) Smooth (d) impossible
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 90-95) Select the meaning of the given phraises /idioms,

90. man of letters
(a) a person who writes letters 
(b) a person who receives letters 
(c) an illiterate person 
(d) a learned person 91. All Greek
91. All Greek
(a) totally classical 
(b) totally unintelligent 
(c) totally impressive 
(d) totally original
92. A live wire
(a)a person who is full of energy
(b) an eminent person 
(c) an unruly person 
(d) a critical person
93. writing on the wall
(a) graffiti 
(b) an event indicating impending danger 
(c) announcement of an event 
(d) a political slogan
94. a fool's paradise
(a) paradise of idiots 
(b) a state of illusory happiness 
(c) to live in the past 
(d) to have happy dreams
95. nip in the bud
(a)destroy in the beginning
(b) extremely good start 
(c)striving from the beginning 
(d)nurture the bud to grow into flower
DIRECTION• (Qs. 96-100) : In each of the following questions„ choose the correctly spelt word. 96.
(a)Properetry (b) Proprietary (c) proprietary (d) proprietory
 (a)Reh arsal (b) Rehearsal (c) Rehersal (d) Rehearsel
 (a) Millionare (b) millionaire (c) milionaire (d) millunaire 
  (a)Fasist (b) Facist (c) facicl (d) fascist 
 (a)Legendry (b) Legendery (c) legandery (d) legendary

Missing Questions.

43. A boat goes 15KM upstream and 21/2KM in 3 hour 15 mins. It goes 12KM Upstream and 14 KM Downstream in 3 hours. What is the speed of the boat.
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 14. 
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 52-56) : In each of the following questions, select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

52. Flexible : Rigid : : Confidence : ?
(a) Diffidence 
(b) Indifference 
(c) Cowardice 
(d) Scare 
53. Mirage : Desert : :
(a) Sky: Illusion 
(b) Rainbow: Sky 
(c) Rain : Rainbow 
(d) Image : Mirror 
54. Anaemia : Blood : : Anarchy : ?
(a) Disorder 
(b) Monarchy 
(c) Government 
(d) Lawlessness  
55. Symphony : Composer : Painter : ?
(a) Fresco 
(b) Colours 
(c) Art 
(d) Leonardo  
56. Influenza: Virus :: Ringworm: ?
(a) Fungi 
(b) Protozoa 
(c) Bacteria. 
(d) parasite  
Direction (Qs. 57-61): In question find the odd numbers/letters/number pairs from the given alternatives. 57.
(a) Annoy 
(b) Distress 
(c) Harass 
(d) Ravage. 
 (a) Hurdle 
 (b) Disease 
 (c) Barrier 
 (d) Obstacle.
 (a) Rooster 
 (b) Buck
 (c) Gander
 (d) Peahen
 (a) fastidious 
 (b) firm 
 (c) grave 
 (d) agreeable
 (a) Soldier-Barrack 
 (b) Principal-School
 (c) Artist-Troupe 
 (d) Singer-Chorous.


1. Who was the Indian hockey team captain in the year 1928?
(a) Lal Shah Bokhari
(b) Jaipal Singh Munda
(c) Dhyan Chand
(d) Ranganathan Francis

(b) Jaipal Singh Munda

2. Which biome has a long dry season?
(a) Tundra
(b) Cool Temperate
(c) Tropical Rain Forest
(d) Savanna

(d) Savanna

3. What is the Mike Powell’s long jump record in meters?
(a) 8.95 m
(b) 8.65 m
(c) 7.80 m
(d) 9.90 m

(a) 8.95 m

4. Who is the first ever women Prime minister in the world?
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Sheikh Hasina
(c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
(d) Margaret Thatcher

(c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike

5. Who was the first posthumous recipient of Bharat Ratna?
(a) Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri
(b) Bhupen Hazarika
(c) Nanaji Deshmukh
(d) Pranab Mukherjee

(a) Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri

6. In which year Goa was taken by India?
(a) 1970
(b) 1987
(c) 1974
(d) 1961

(d) 1961

7. The Baltic cup is related to which game?
(a) Hockey
(b) Tennis
(c) Football
(d) Cricket

(c) Football

8. The hook shot is majorly related to which game?
(a) Basketball
(b) Kho-Kho
(c) Volley ball
(d) Rugby

(a) Basketball

9. Who is the writer of the Hindu Sanskrit Book ‘Natya Shastra’?
(a) Gnanananda Giri
(b) Lakulisha
(c) Nityanand Misra
(d) Bharata Muni

(d) Bharata Muni

10. How many timeouts can a team take in volleyball?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

(a) 2

11. When did the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre occur?
(a) 17 May, 1919
(b) 13 April, 1919
(c) 5 June, 1917
(d) 24 February, 1918

(b) 13 April, 1919

12. What is the full form of ROV?
(a) Remotely Operated Vehicle
(b) Rigidly Organised Ventilation
(c) Remote Orifice Vacuum
(d) Refilled Oxygen Valve

(a) Remotely Operated Vehicle

13. What was the term used for the measurement of land in the Delhi Sultanate period?
(a) Mamluk
(b) Masahat
(c) Tughlaq
(d) Sayyid

(b) Masahat

14. Riga is the capital of which country?
(a) Latvia
(b) Fustat
(c) Thebes
(d) Memphis

(a) Latvia

15. Who was the founder of Brahmo Samaj?
(a) B. R. Ambedkar
(b) Raja Rammohan Roy
(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

(b) Raja Rammohan Roy

16. Where is Indira Point located?
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(b) Havelock Island
(c) Neill Island
(d) Barren Island

(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

17.JAXA is an aerospace agency of which country?
(a) USA
(b) Iran
(c) Japan
(d) Siberia

(c) Japan

18.What is the full form of ADB?
(a) Asian Development Bank
(b) Android Debug Bridge
(c) Automatic Differential Brake
(d) Advanced Digital Broadcast

(a) Asian Development Bank

19.Which of the following vitamins is responsible for blood clotting?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin K
(c) Vitamin D
(d) Vitamin C

(b) Vitamin K

20.Which is the oldest of the following Vedas?
(a) Sama-Veda
(b) Yajur-Veda
(c) Atharva-Veda
(d) Rig-Veda

(d) Rig-Veda

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 21-27): Select the word which gives the nearest meaning of the given word.
(a) Disused
(b )Useless
(c) Useable
(d) Useful

(a) Disused

(a) Muscle
(b) Power
(c) Weakness
(d) Task

(a) Muscle

(a) Strong
(b) Weakening
(c) Soft
(d) Fragile

(b) Weakening

(a) Intimidate
(b) Intimate
(c) Initiate
(d) Indulge

(a) Intimidate

(a) Prickle
(b) Sickle
(c) Fickle
(d) Tickle

(c) Fickle

(a) Defensive
(b) Bridle
(c) Outrage
(d) Calmness

(b) Bridle

(a) Dispute
(b) Agreement
(c) Consent
(d) Rumble

(a) Dispute

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 28-35): Select the word which means the opposite of the given word.
(a) Commotion
(b) Emotion
(c) Rendition
(d) Rectification

(a) Commotion

(a) Agony
(b) Weak
(c) Polite
(d) Scrawny

(d) Scrawny

(a) Rare
(b) Precious
(c) Common
(d) Tough

(b) Precious

(a) Ordinary
(c) Rare

(a) Ordinary

(a) Show
(b) Hide
(c) Wrap
(d) Engulf

(b) Hide

(a) Engage
(b) Collide
(c) Combine
(d) Blast

(c) Combine

(a) Stupid
(b) Clever
(c) Logical
(d) Funny

(c) Logical

(a) Advantage
(b) Disadvantage
(c) Barrier
(d) Path

(a) Advantage

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 36-45): Select the meaning of the given phrases/idioms.
36. To make clean breast of
(a) To gain prominence
(b) To praise oneself
(c) To confess without of reserve
(d) To destroy before it blooms

(c) To confess without of reserve

37.‘By dint of’?
(a) By the significance of
(b) By means of
(c) By the influence of
(d) With the help of

(b) By means of

38.To keeps one's temper
(a) To become hungry
(b) To be in good mood
(c) To preserve ones energy
(d) To be aloof from

(b) To be in good mood

39.To catch a tartar
(a) To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty
(b) To catch a dangerous person
(c) To meet with disaster
(d) To deal with a person who is more than
one's match

(b) To catch a dangerous person

40.To drive home
(a) To find one's roots
(b) To return to place of rest
(c) Back to original position
(d) To emphasise

(d) To emphasise

41.To have an axe to grind
(a) A private end to serve
(b) To fail to arouse interest
(c) To have no result
(d) To work for both sides

(a) A private end to serve

42.To cry wolf
(a) To listen eagerly
(b) To give false alarm
(c) To turn pale
(d) To keep off starvation

(b) To give false alarm

43.To end in smoke
(a) To make completely understand
(b) To ruin oneself
(c) To excite great applause
(d) To overcome someone

To ruin oneself

44.To be above board
(a) To have a good height
(b) To be honest in any business deal
(c) They have no debts
(d) To try to be beautiful

To be honest in any business deal

45.To put one's hand to plough
(a) To take up agricultural farming
(b) To take a difficult task
(c) To get entangled into unnecessary things
(d) Take interest in technical work

(b) To take a difficult task

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 46-50): In each of the following questions, choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Acheviement
(b) Achevement
(c) Achievement
(d) Achieviment

(c) Achievement

(a) Compression
(b) Compresion
(c) Compretion
(d) Compresson

(a) Compression

(a) Dilligence
(b) Deligence
(c) Diligence
(d) Delligance

(c) Diligence

(a) Perspration
(b) Perspirasion
(c) Perspirason
(d) Perspiration

(d) Perspiration

(a) Preceding
(b) Preceeding
(c) Preciding
(d) Priceeding

(a) Preceding

51.The difference between simple interest and the compound interest on a certain amount of money for 3 years at 10% per annum is Rs. 46.50. The sum is:
(a) Rs.1550
(b) Rs.1500
(c) Rs.1450
(d) Rs.1600

(b) Rs.1500

52.Two horses sold at 1200/-each. First one on a profit of 20% and second one is in 20% loss. The overall profit/loss in percentage is?
(a) 7% loss
(b) 8% loss
(c) 4% loss
(d) 6% loss

(c) 4% loss

53.The initial price of a colour TV is three times of that music system, now if price of TV is increased by 10% and music system by 18%, then find the profit loss % on buying 8 colour TV and 5 music system?
(a) 15 %
(b) 20 %
(c) 10 %
(d) 12 %

(c) 10 %

54. What is the average of 2/3, 5/6 and 7/12?
(a) 25/36
(b) 26/25
(c) 35/26
(d) 36/25

(a) 25/36

55. A and B, working together, can build a wall, 221 m long, in 100/9 Days. If they work on alternate days, with A starting the work, it takes 89/4 days to build the same wall. If A and B work together and build a similar wall but of twice the length and earn a total of $1800 for it, then B's share of the earnings is
(a) $750
(b) $800
(c) $1000
(d) $1050

(c) $1000

56. Efficiency of A, B and C is in the ratio 4:5:6. What is the ratio of the time in which they complete the work?
(a) 12:16:10
(b) 15:12:10
(c) 24:15:12
(d) 16:15:10

(b) 15:12:10

57. A man purchases 8 dozen of eggs for Rs 480. Out of which 8 eggs were found broken. At what rate he should sell eggs so that he gets 10% profit?
(a) Rs. 6
(b) Rs. 7
(c) Rs. 10
(d) Rs. 5

(a) Rs. 6

58. A sum of Rs 10,000 is borrowed at a rate of interest 15% per annum for 2 years. Find the simple interest for 2 years.
(a) Rs. 1500
(b) Rs. 2000
(c) Rs. 2500
(d) Rs. 3000

(d) Rs. 3000

59. A boat travels upstream from B to A and downstream from A to B in 3 hours. If the speed of boat in still water is 9 km/hr, and the speed of the current is 3 km/hr, then what is the distance between A and B?
(a) 17 km
(b) 18 km
(c) 12 km
(d) 10 km

(c) 12 km

60. What will, (256)^0.16× (16)^0.18 equal to?
(a) 6
(b) 4
(c) 12.7
(d) 14.56

(b) 4

61.What is the square root of 0.0081?
(a) 0.009
(b) 0.9
(c) 1.09
(d) 0.09

(d) 0.09

62.The price of onions increases by 25%, by what percent should a housewife reduces the consumption so that expenditure on onions can be same as before?
(a) 25%
(b) 30%
(c) 20%
(d) 40%

(c) 20%

63.The square of a positive number is 2000% greater than the number itself, then the square of that number is :
(a) 1762
(b) 1635
(c) 441
(d) 139

(c) 441

64. The cost of a car is 400% greater than the cost of a bike. If there is an increase in the cost of the car is 15% and that of bike 20%. Then the total increase in the cost of the 5 cars and 10 bikes is:
(a) 107/7%
(b) 115/7%
(c) 130/7%
(d) 103/7%

(b) 115/7%

65. Connie has a number of gold bars, all of different weights. She gives the 24 lightest bars, which weigh 45% of the total weight, to Brennan. She gives the 13 heaviest bars, which weigh 26% of the total weight, to Maya. She gives the rest of the bars to Blair. How many bars did Blair receive?
(a) 14
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 17

(b) 15

66.If EHFNRQ is the code for BECKON, which word has the code QDFWXULQ?


67.In a certain code, KAVERI is written as VAKIRE. How is MYSORE written in that code?


68.In a certain code language if the word ‘MUSEUM’ is coded as ‘LSPAPG’, then how will the word ‘PALACE’ be coded in that language?


69.If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded?
(a) 5279431
(b) 5978213
(c) 8251896
(d) 8543691

(c) 8251896

70.In a certain code language, if the value of CONTRACT = 56 and ‘GROWTH’ = 30, then what is the value of DISTRIBUTION?
(a) 130
(b) 132
(c) 140
(d) 142

(b) 132

71.In a certain code language, if the value of ‘BLOCK’ = 13 and ‘CURTAIN’ = 27, then what is the value of the word ‘SCIENCE’?
(a) 32
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) 34

(c) 38

72.In a certain code language, if the word ‘DISTANCE’ is coded as EDCINSAT, then how will you code ‘ACQUIRE’ in that language?


73.In a certain code language, if the value of 28 + 14 = 50 and 36 + 43 = 63, then what is the value of 44 + 52 =?
(a) 54
(b) 56
(c) 58
(d) 62

(b) 56

74.In a certain code language, if the value of 14 × 15 = 25 and 26 × 42 = 64, then what is the value of 73 × 31 =?
(a) 100
(b) 110
(c) 90
(d) 120

(a) 100

75.In a certain code language, ‘kew xas huma deko’ means ‘she is eating apples’; ‘kew tepo qua’ means ‘she sells toys’ and ‘sul lim deko’ means ‘I like apples’. Which word in that language means ‘she’ and ‘apples’?
(a) xas & deko
(b) xas & kew
(c) kew & deko
(d) kew & xas

(c) kew & deko

76.Choose the odd pair of words
(a) Bottle – Wine
(b) Ball – Bat
(c) Cup – Tea
(d) Pitcher – Water

(d) Pitcher – Water

77.Choose the odd pair of words
(a) Russia – Moscow
(b) Spain – Madrid
(c) India – New Delhi
(d)Japan – Ottawa

(d)Japan – Ottawa

78.Choose the odd pair of words
(a) Bass - Shoal
(b) Albatross – Rookery
(c) Coyotes – Band
(d) Man – Woman

(d) Man – Woman

79. Choose the odd pair.
(a) Quran – Islam
(b) Tripitika - Buddhism
(c) Kojiki - Shintoism
(d) Temple – Hindu

(d) Temple – Hindu

80.Choose the odd pair of words
(a) Profit - Loss
(b) Virtue - Vice
(c) Seduce - Attract
(d) Wise – Foolish

(c) Seduce - Attract

81.Choose the odd pair of words
(a) Badger - Cub
(b) Boar - Sow
(c) Beaver - Pup
(d)Hawk – Eyas

(b) Boar - Sow

82.Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group
(a) Volcano
(b) Tsunami
(c) Earthquake
(d) Explosion

(d) Explosion

83.Choose the word which is not similar to the other words in the group.
(a) Car
(b) Cycle
(c) Scooter
(d) Helicopter

(b) Cycle

84.Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.
(a) Crocodile
(b) Snake
(c) Locust
(d) Skink

(c) Locust

85.Find the word which is least like the other words in the group.
(a) Patella
(b) Tibia
(c) Fibula
(d) Skull

(d) Skull

86.Choose the word which is not similar to the other words in the group.
(a) Joey
(b) Filly
(c) Gosling
(d) Vixen

(d) Vixen

Fig-type-Qs. 87-95>

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 87-95): The following question consists of some Problem Figures followed by other figures marked 1, 2, 3, 4 called the Answer Figures. Find out the correct answer figure that should come next in the sequence of problem figures. 87. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3 88. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2 89. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4 90. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3 91. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3 92. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 93. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4 94. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 3 95. PROBLEM FIGURE ANSWER FIGURE (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 96-99): Choose the pair of words which have a relationship similar to that between the given pair of words: 96.Management: CEO
(a) Journalism: Managing Editor
(b) Office: Clerk
(c) Hospital: Paramedic
(d) None of the above

(a) Journalism: Managing Editor

97.Pleasant: Dislikable
(a) Sorry: Defiant
(b) Guilty: Innocent
(c) Happy: Overjoyed
(d) Sad: Sorrowful

(b) Guilty: Innocent

98.Stench: Fragrance
(a) Sound: Clap
(b) Sound: Silence
(c) Sound: Chatter
(d) Sound: Noise

(b) Sound: Silence

99.Healer : Doctor
(a) Pilot: Airhostess
(b) Artist: Designer
(c) Patient: Doctor
(d) Educator: Teacher

(d) Educator: Teacher

100.If barometer is to air pressure, then bolometer is to
(a) electromagnetic radiation
(b)magnetic declination
(c) wind speed
(d) altitude

(a) electromagnetic radiation