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Instruction for Candidates.

1. Total No. of Questions-100.Each Question is of the three marks.

2. One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

3. Do not mark or write on the Question Paper.

4. Question Paper to be returned before leaving the Exam Hall.

Directions: Click options to get answer of Questions.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it.
Over four hundred years after Michelangelo’s death, scholars are still unravelling the mysteries of his art. One mystery revealed recently was that, his famous painting of a pensive Cleopatra included a hidden drawing of a different Cleopatra on the reverse side. This hidden Cleopatra depicts a tormented woman, whose eyes stare out at the viewer and whose mouth is open, screaming in horror. The two images, drawn on two sides of the same paper, can be viewed simultaneously. The second mystery is with regard to Michelangelo’s architectural plan for the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Did he intend the dome to look like the model he built between 1558 and 1561? Or did he change his mind after building the model and decided to elevate the dome in the way it is today? Scholars do not agree on the answers. The third mystery about this great artist was why he destroyed hundreds or thousands of his drawings before he died. Did he feel that they were unimportant or did he want the world to see only his finished products? The mystery associated with Michelangelo’s art being elusive, has attracted artists, scholars and researchers since ages. Why did Michelangelo destroy so many drawings before he died? (Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options)
A. The mystery is yet to be unravelled 
B. They were unimportant   
C. They were only unfinished works 
D. He was upset with the way they were shaping up 


2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Over four hundred years after Michelangelo’s death, scholars are still unravelling the mysteries of his art. One mystery revealed recently was that, his famous painting of a pensive Cleopatra included a hidden drawing of a different Cleopatra on the reverse side. This hidden Cleopatra depicts a tormented woman, whose eyes stare out at the viewer and whose mouth is open, screaming in horror. The two images, drawn on two sides of the same paper, can be viewed simultaneously. The second mystery is with regard to Michelangelo’s architectural plan for the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Did he intend the dome to look like the model he built between 1558 and 1561? Or did he change his mind after building the model and decided to elevate the dome in the way it is today? Scholars do not agree on the answers. The third mystery about this great artist was why he destroyed hundreds or thousands of his drawings before he died. Did he feel that they were unimportant or did he want the world to see only his finished products? The mystery associated with Michelangelo’s art being elusive, has attracted artists, scholars and researchers since ages. The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica_____________. (Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options)
A. bears no resemblance to the one in the model   
B. was destroyed after the model was built 
C. was designed differently than the one that was built 
D. was rebuilt to elevate the dome


3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it.
Over four hundred years after Michelangelo’s death, scholars are still unravelling the mysteries of his art. One mystery revealed recently was that, his famous painting of a pensive Cleopatra included a hidden drawing of a different Cleopatra on the reverse side. This hidden Cleopatra depicts a tormented woman, whose eyes stare out at the viewer and whose mouth is open, screaming in horror. The two images, drawn on two sides of the same paper, can be viewed simultaneously. The second mystery is with regard to Michelangelo’s architectural plan for the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Did he intend the dome to look like the model he built between 1558 and 1561? Or did he change his mind after building the model and decided to elevate the dome in the way it is today? Scholars do not agree on the answers. The third mystery about this great artist was why he destroyed hundreds or thousands of his drawings before he died. Did he feel that they were unimportant or did he want the world to see only his finished products? The mystery associated with Michelangelo’s art being elusive, has attracted artists, scholars and researchers since ages. It can be inferred from the passage that the most unusual aspect in the drawing of Cleopatra is that_____________________. (Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options)
A. the figure of a tormented woman 
B. the figure of a screaming woman 
C. different shades of emotion of Cleopatra can be seen at the same time 
D. the painting of woman on both sides is that of Cleopatra’s   


4. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Spot the error from the given options. The ebb and flow (a)/ of the tides are (b)/ now understood (c)/ no error (d).
A. (a)        B. (b)        
C.  (c)       D.  (d) 


5. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Spot the error from the given options. Since his arrival at his (a)/ native town he is trying (b)/ to the best of his ability (c)/ to spread education among the masses (d).
A. (a)        B. (b)        
C. (c)       D.  (d)  


6. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Spot the error from the given options. One of my friend (a)/ came running to (b)/ me and gave me (c)/ this good news (d).
A. (a)       B. (b)        
C.  (c)      D. (d)  


7. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Spot the error from the given options. While it is apparent (a)/ that biotechnology offers (b)/ significant benefits, adequate attention (c)/ has not been focused to this vital area (d).
A. (a)       B. (b)        
C.  (c)      D.  (d)  


8. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given options. Fortune continued to smile _____________me.
A. at       B. on       
C.  with    D.  upon 


9. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given options. The teacher gave many examples to ___________ the idea contained in the poem.
A. bring about      B. bring in         
C.  bring forth     D.  bring out 


10. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given options. Hundreds of workers are ________________ a protest against the decision of the management.
A. performing    B.  staging       
C.  sitting      D.   standing 


11. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given options. USA has become a _____________ of many nationalities, allowing companies to make use of global talent.
A. Melting point      B. Melting pot        
C.  Potboiler         D.  Point guard 


12. In the following question, out of the given alternatives, choose the best one which expresses the meaning of the given word.
A. Patronise      B.  Disown       
C.  Sanction      D.   Approve 


13. In the following question, out of the given alternatives, choose the best one which expresses the meaning of the given word.
A. Sluggish      B.  Moderate       
C.  Rubbish      D.   Extreme 


14. In the following question, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word.
DESPICABLE A. Outbreak B. Escape C. Respectable D. Breakout


15. In the following question, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word.
A.   Lament           B.  Animate   
C.    Rejoice         D.  Coarse  


16. Select the most appropriate word from the options against____________X_____________. Greenhouse gases are only___________X_________________ of the story when it comes to global warming. Changes to one part of the climate system can ______________Y_________ dditional changes to the way the planet absorbs or reflects energy. These secondary changes are______________Z______________climate feedbacks and they could more than double the amount of warming caused by carbon dioxide alone.
A.  whole             B.   part 
C.   material         D.   issue 


17. Select the most appropriate word from the options against______________Y_________. Greenhouse gases are only___________X_________________of the story when it comes to global warming. Changes to one part of the climate system can______________Y_________ additional changes to the way the planet absorbs or reflects energy. These secondary changes are______________Z______________climate feedbacks and they could more than double the amount of warming caused by carbon dioxide alone.
A.  raise           B.  brings  
C.   cause          D.  cease 


18. Select the most appropriate word from the options against______________Z______________. Greenhouse gases are only___________X_________________of the story when it comes to global warming. Changes to one part of the climate system can______________Y_________ additional changes to the way the planet absorbs or reflects energy. These secondary changes are______________Z______________climate feedbacks and they could more than double the amount of warming caused by carbon dioxide alone.
A.  recorded           B.  called  
C.   resultant         D.  but 


19. The given idiom is followed by four meanings. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
At sixes and sevens:
A.  To score well            B.   To feel frightened   
C.   In perfect order        D.   In disarray 


20. The given idiom is followed by four meanings. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
Blaze the trail
A.  To start a movement           B.  To be defeated  
C.   Sudden or unexpected shock   D.  To beat mercilessly 


21. The given sentence is followed by four phrases/ idioms. Choose the one which can be filled in the blank to make the sentence most meaningful and correct. The manager of the company always tries to ______________ the employees who opposed him.
A.  Knit the brow             B.   Brow beat   
C.   Curtain lecture          D.   Hang fire 


22. In the following question there is a related pair of words given. Each pair is followed by four other pairs of words. Choose the pair from the given option the pair of words that best expresses the relationship like the original pair. Harm : Damage
A.  Sweet : Sour                  B.  Stout : Weak  
C.   Injure : Incapacitate        D.  Confuse : Satisfy 


23. In the following question there is a related pair of words given. Each pair is followed by four other pairs of words. Choose the pair from the given option the pair of words that best expresses the relationship like the original pair.
Blurred : Confused
A.  Muddled : Unclear        B.   Dangerous : Culprit 
C.   Cloudy : Clarity        D.   Abatement : Significant 


24. In the following question there is a related pair of words given. Each pair is followed by four other pairs of words. Choose the pair from the given option the pair of words that best expresses the relationship like the original pair.
Exempt : Obliged
A.  Affluent : Fluent        B.   Immune : Susceptible 
C.   Valiant : Mighty        D.   Steadfast : Reputed 


25. The following question, consists of an incomplete sentence or a sentence which is split into four parts. All four parts are jumbled up and are named as P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and find out which of the four combinations from the given options will correctly complete the sentence.
India has been a land _____________________ than the warrior or the administrator.
P : but in the sense that learning has always been very highly valued
Q : not indeed, in the sense that education has been universal
R : and the learned man has been held in higher esteem
S : of learning throughout the ages,
A. SPRQ      B. RQPS 
C. RSQP      D. SQPR 


26. The following question, consists of an incomplete sentence or a sentence which is split into four parts. All four parts are jumbled up and are named as P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and find out which of the four combinations from the given options will correctly complete the sentence.
While the recent__________________________________________.
P : century show that the June rainfall is
Q : of a drought, India’s rainfall data for over a
R : rain may have soothed concerns
S : no predictor of the monsoon’s outcome
A. PSRQ        B. RQPS 
C. PQRS        D. RSPQ 


27. The following question, consists of an incomplete sentence or a sentence which is split into four parts. All four parts are jumbled up and are named as P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and find out which of the four combinations from the given options will correctly complete the sentence.
For some people patriotism _________________as much as to any one country.
P : today man belongs to the whole world
Q : should be condemned because
R : type of patriotism is an evil and it
S : means hatred for other countries, but this
A. SRQP        B. PQSR 
C. RSPQ        D. QPSR 


28. In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentence or the phrase from the given option.
A person who cares about others and helps others without any benefit is ___________
A.  Amateur                         B.   Apostate     
C.   Altruist                       D.   Agnostic  


29. In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentence or the phrase from the given option.
An exact copy of handwriting or printing is known as ___________
A.  Manuscript                      B.   Facsimile     
C.   Encyclopaedia                   D.   Souvenir  


30. In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentence or the phrase from the given option.
A Government which is run by the rich people is known as ____________
A.  Bureaucracy                      B.   Anarchy     
C.   Plutocracy                      D.   Theocracy  


31. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Who composed the national song ‘Vande Mataram’?
A. Rabindranath Tagore         B. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 
C. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee   D. Sri Aurobindo 


32. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason(R).
Assertion (A) Protest led by Lala Lajpat Rai, was organised in Lahore in 1928 against Simon Commission.
Reason (R) Simon Commission did not have a single Indian member in it.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
A. A is false, but R is true     
B. A is true, but R is false 
C. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A 
D. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 


33. Choose the most appropriate answer.
In which geopolitical region does the countries party to South China Sea conflict are located?
A. Indo Pacific      B. Indo Arabic 
C. Australasia      D. Asia Atlantic 


34. Match List I with the correct options of List II.
List I (Forms of Condensation)
1. Dew
2. Fog
3. Mist
4. Frost

List II (Features) br I. Restricts Visibility to lesser extent
II. Air close to cold ground condenses on leaves
III. Water vapour condenses dust in contact with cold surface but remains suspended in air
IV. Water vapour converts into ice below 0-degree C
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options A, B, C, D.
A. 1-II, 2-III, 3-IV, 4-I    B. 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, 4-IV 
C. 1-IV, 2-III, 3-I, 4-II    D. 1-III, 2-I, 3-II, 4-IV 


35. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. Deepika Kumari - Archery 
B. Manika Batra - Table Tennis
C. Ashwani Ponappa - Badminton
D. Savita Punia - Long jump


36. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which of the following cricketer was not part of World Cup winning team in 1983?
A. Kapil Dev 
B. Sunil Gavaskar 
C. Ajit Wadekar 
D. Balwinder Sandhu 


37. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which among the following can be exercised by a permanent member in the UN Security Council?
A. Two votes each     
B. Three votes each 
C. Conditional Veto     
D. Absolute Veto 


38. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Sangeet Natak Akademi recognised Sattriya Nritya as one of the classical dance forms of India. Select the State that represents the origin of the Sattriya Nritya dance form
A. Odisha      B. Manipur 
C. Assam       D. West Bengal 


39. Choose the most appropriate answer.
The words Satyameva Jayate (meaning Truth alone Triumphs) are derived from which of the following Upnishads ?
A. Prasna      B. Mandukya  
C. Mundaka      D. Chandogya 


40. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Name the person who was awarded Padma Shri award 2020 for social work that includes planting more than 30,000 saplings.
A. Shri Lalbiakthanga Pachuau   
B. Smt. Vidushi KS Jayalakshmi 
C. Smt. Manjamma Jogati    
D. Smt. Tulsi Gowda 


41. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason(R).
Assertion (A) Earthquakes generate tsunami by vertical movement of the sea floor as in normal faulting or trust faulting.
Reason (R) If the sea floor movement is horizontal, tsunamis are generated.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
A. A is false, but R is true 
B. A is true, but R is false 
C. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A 
D. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 


42. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Through which of the following the Preamble of the constitution of India secures to all citizens of India the liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship?
A. Fundamental Rights    
B. Fundamental Duties 
C. Directive Principles of State Policy  
D. Statutory Acts 


43. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which of the following is not the guiding Principle of NITI Aayog?
A. Antyodaya     
B. Demographic Dividend 
C. Inclusion     
D. Delimitation  


44. Which of the following diseases can be transmitted from one person to another through tattooing?
I. Chikungunya II. Hepatitis- B III. HIV-AIDS
Choose the most appropriate answer.
A. Only I      
B. II and III 
C. I and III      
D. I, II, III 


45. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Name the phenomenon of light due to which sudden change of direction of light happens when it passes from one transparent substance into another.
A. Refraction     
B. Reflection 
C. Diffraction     
D. Dispersion 


46. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Select the country which is not a member of G7.
A. USA      
C. JAPAN      


47. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Of the given options related to NEP 2020, select the one that is incorrect.
A. Setting up Multidisciplinary education and Research University 
B. Current 10+2 system to be replaced with the new 5+3+3+4 system 
C. National Assessment Centre ‘PARAKH’, has been created to assess students. 
D. Twelve years of schooling and five years of Anganwadi /pre schooling. 


48. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Name the film that has been awarded the ’Best Children Film’ award at the National Film awards ceremony held in Oct 2021.
A. Kastoori     
B. Gippi 
C. Makhee     
D. Stanley ka Dabba 


49. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Name the location where CBI academy is located.
A. Ghaziabad (UP)    
B. Delhi 
C. Dehradun (Uttarakhand)   
D. Hyderabad (Telangana)


50. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which of the following were awarded The Nobel Peace Prize 2021?
A. Benjamin List and David WC Mac Millan     
B. Giorgio Parisi and David Julius 
C. Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov 
D. David Julius and Maria Ressa 


51. Choose the most appropriate answer.
‘Nabhah Sparsham Diptam’ is the motto of which of the following organisation?
A. ISRO      B. Indian Air Force 
C. DRDO      D. Indian Navy 


52. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Name the Indian Air Force Operation during Kargil conflict of 1999?
A. Operation Safed Sagar   
B. Operation Meghdoot 
C. Operation Tiger Hill    
D. Operation Jeevan Rakshak 


53. Choose the most appropriate answer. Name the country from which India bought the Barak Missile Defence System?
A. Israel      B. France 
C. Russia      D. USA 


54. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Which of the following correctly describes ‘IGLA’ in Indian Defence parlance?
A. Cluster Bomb              B. Long range missile  
C. Shoulder Fired Missile    D. Rocket pod 


55. Choose bthe most appropriate answer.
Which of the following is not a command of Indian Air Force?
A. Training Command    B. Southern Air Command 
C. Eastern Air Command    D. Northern Air Command 


56. Choose the most appropriate answer.
A. 3.1      B. 1.2 
C. 0.09      D. 0.17 


57. Choose the most appropriate answer.
The value of 256^0.16 X 16^0.18 is:
A. 4      B. 5 
C.  16    D. 20 


58. Choose the most appropriate answer.
A and B can do a piece of work in 10 days and A alone can do it in 12 days. In how many days can B do it alone?
A. 60 days     B. 30 days 
C. 50 days     D. 45 days 


59. Choose the most appropriate answer.
A and B working together can build a wall, 221m long, in 100/9 days. If they work on alternate days, with A starting the work, it takes 89/4 days to build the same wall. If A and B work together and build a similar wall but of twice the length and earn a total of Rs. 1800 for it, then B's share of the earnings will be:
A. Rs. 750      B. Rs. 800 
C. Rs. 900      D. Rs. 1,000 


60. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Manoj takes twice as much time as Anjali and thrice as much as Amit to finish a piece of work. Together they finish the work in 1 day. What is the time taken by Manoj to finish the work?
A. 6 days      B. 3 days  
C. 2 days      D. 10 days  


61. Choose the most appropriate answer.
The average of 5/16 and 3.6% is equal to:
A. 3.9125      B. 0.3485 
C. 0.26235     D. 0.17425 


62. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Sohit was born two years ago, when Rohit was two years old. At present, the average age (in years) of Sohit, Rohit, Mohit and Purohit is a perfect square. Also the difference between the ages of any two persons is not more than five years. Which of the following could be the ages of Mohit and Purohit (in years)?
A. 8, 2      B. 10, 9    
C. 7, 3      D. 6, 3  


63. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Fresh grapes contain 90% water and dried grapes contain 20% water. From 20 kg of fresh grapes, how many kgs of dried grapes can be obtained?
A. 2.4 kg      B. 2.5 kg 
C. 2 kg        D. 5 kg 


64. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Ram sold an article at a certain profit. Had he purchased the article for 10% less than what he actually purchased it for and sold it for 12.5% more than what he actually sold it for, his profit percentage would have been 2.5 times his actual profit percentage. Find his actual profit percentage.
A. 20%         B. 25% 
C. 33.33%      D. 10% 


65. Choose the most appropriate answer.
The cost of a book includes 10% printing cost, 20% paper cost and another 15% labour cost. If other costs add-up to Rs. 110, what is the total cost of the book?
A. Rs. 200      B. Rs. 300    
C. Rs. 400      D. Rs. 500 


66. Choose the most appropriate answer.
X sold two cars at same price, one of them at 10% profit. X incurred total loss of 12% in overall transaction. What was the approximate profit/loss incurred on the other car?
A. 27% loss      B. 27% profit 
C. 22 % loss     D. 22 % profit 


67. Choose the most appropriate answer.
5 dogs can eat 5 biscuits in 5 minutes. In how many minutes can 10 dogs eat 10 biscuits?
A. 10 minutes     B. 20 minutes 
C. 15 minutes     D. 5 minutes 


68. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Price of a diamond is directly proportional to the square of its weight. If the diamond breaks into two pieces whose weights are in the ratio of 2:3, then what is the % profit or loss due to breakage?
A. 48% profit     B. 50 % profit 
C. 48% loss       D. No profit, No loss 


69. Choose the most appropriate answer.
An alloy is made of metal A and metal B in the ratio 2:3. In each step, we add metals A and B to the alloy equal to 20% and 5% of weights of metal A and metal B respectively at previous step. Which step onwards will the alloy contain more than 50% of metal A?
A. 2      B. 3 
C. 4      D. 5 


70. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Ramu charges interest on his lending at 20% Compound Interest per annum compounding done half yearly. Principal is how much % less than the amount obtained at the end of 2 years?
A. 46.41%      B. 31.7% 
C. 20%         D. 50% 


71. Choose the most appropriate answer.
A and B borrow a total sum of Rs. 30,000 from C at 4% per annum for 5 years and at 5% per annum for 4 years respectively. Find out the sum borrowed by A, if A's interest is double than that of B's interest.
A. Rs. 10,000      B. Rs. 20,000 
C.  Rs. 18,000     D. Rs. 15,000 


72. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Find the rate of interest if a sum of money becomes 8 times after 3 years when interest is being compounded annually.
A. 25%      B. 50% 
C. 75%      D. 100% 


73. Choose the most appropriate answer.
A fast train completely passes a man sitting in the slower train in 30 seconds. The speeds of the train are 45 Kmph and 36 Kmph respectively and the trains are moving in the same direction. What is the length of the fast train?
A.  270 m      B.  150 m 
C.  75 m      D.  37.5 m 


74. Choose the most appropriate answer.
At how many distinct points in a watch do the hour and the minute hand meet in an analogue clock?
 A. 10       B. 11 
 C. 12       D. 13 


75. Choose the most appropriate answer. Walking at 6/5 of his usual speed, a man is 10 minutes early. The usual time taken by him to cover that distance is __________
A.  50 minutes     B.  60 minutes 
C.  75 minutes     D.  80 minutes 



82. Choose the most appropriate answer.
In the following question, four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while the fourth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Sahara        B. Thar  
C. Sunderban     D. Kalahari 


83. Choose the most appropriate answer.
In the following question, four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while the fourth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A.  Granite        B.  Lignite  
C.  Anthracite     D.  Bituminous 


84. Choose the most appropriate answer.
In the following question, find out the alternative which will replace the question mark (?) Fish : Shoal:: ? : ?
A.  Shark : School      B. Whale : Herd 
C.  Elephant : Flock    D. Audience: Theatre 


87. Choose the most appropriate answer.
From his house, Lokesh went 15 km to the North. Then he turned west and covered 10 km. Then he turned south and covered 5 km. Finally turning to the east, he covered 10 km. In which direction is he from his house?
A.  East      B. West 
C.  North     D.  South 


88. Choose the most appropriate answer.
K is 40 m South-West of L. If M is 40 m South-East of L, then M is in which direction of K?
A.  East      
B.  West 
C.  North-East     
D.  South 


89. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Introducing Alka to guest, Brijesh said, “Her father is my maternal Uncle’s father”. How is Alka related to Brijesh?
A. Aunt      
B. Mother 
C. Sister       
D. Niece 


90. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Pointing towards a person, a man said to a woman, “his mother is the only daughter of your father”. How is the woman related to that person?
A. Wife      
B. Daughter 
C. Mother     
D. Sister 


91. Choose the most appropriate answer.
If in a certain code language BROWSER is written as RESWORB, then how TEACHER would be coded in that code language?


92. Choose the most appropriate answer.
If in a certain code language ARIHANT is written as BSJIBOU, then how PENGUIN would be coded in that code language ?


95. Choose the most appropriate answer.
If P means ‘+’, Q means ‘-‘ , R means ‘X’ and S means ‘÷’, which of the following statement(s) is / are correct? Statement I : 32 S 8 R 9 = 160 Q 12 R 12
Statement II : 8 R 8 P 8 S 8 Q 8 = 57
A.  I Only     
B. II Only 
C.  Both I and II    
D. Neither I nor II 


96. Choose the most appropriate answer.
In the given question, A means ‘+’, B means ‘−’, C means ‘X’ and D means ‘÷’ then 18 C 14 A 6 B 16 D 4 = ?
A.  63      
B. 254 
C.  288      
D. 1208 


97. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Seema’s younger brother Sohan is older than Seeta. Sweta is younger than Deepti but elder than Seema. Who is the eldest?
A.  Seema     
B.  Sweta 
C.  Seeta    
D. Deepti 


98. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Kriti scored more than Rahul, Yash score as much as Dinesh. Lokita scored less than Manish. Rahul scored more than Yash. Manish scored less than Dinesh. Who scored the highest?
A. Manish      
B. Yash 
D. Rahul  
C. Kriti  


99. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Four groups of letters are given, out of which three are alike in a certain way while one is different. Choose the odd one.
C. HIIJ   
D. WYYZ   


100. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Four groups of letters are given, out of which three are alike in a certain way while one is different. Choose the odd one.
B. NPLNJ      
